MED 1. English Cabassett ca. 1580-1630.
If you were a Native American observing the English colonists arriving at Jamestowne in 1607, this is the helmet they would have seen them wearing. A very fine and authentic example with decorative bronze rivets. This helmet is over 400 years old and is a relic of Renaissance Europe and the age of discovery. An amazing and impressive relic!
MED 2. Dug Medieval Crossbow Bolt ca. 1350-1450.
These cruel missiles were effective for penetrating chain mail and some plate armor. This thick and heavy point was dug in Southern Germany. 2.5″ in length.
MED 3. Dug Medieval Crossbow Bolt ca. 1350-1450.
Wrought iron point designed for penetrating chain mail and plate armor. This thick and heavy point was dug in Southern Germany. 2.5″ in length.
MED 4. Medieval/Renaissance Era Headman’s Executioner’s Axe. ca. 1500-1600 AD.
Massive wrought iron axe designed specifically for severing heads of the condemned. This grisly relic was turned up in Holland and has been in my collection for many years.
Dark Ages: Viking and Migration Age Europe
DA 1. Viking Pendant made from an Abbasid Caliphate Gold Dinar ca. late 9th Cent. AD.
In the East, the Vikings exchanged furs, slaves, Baltic Amber and weapons to the Arabs in exchange for gold and silver coins. The silver coins or “Dirhems” have been found in hoards as far West as Iceland. The much rarer gold Dinars were used exclusively for jewelry and adornment. This one is in great condition and was carefully crafted into a pendant by the Vikings. This piece surfaced at London auction house but exact provenance is uncertain. For reference see “Viking Art” by James Graham Campbell, page 61 for a photo of the Hoen Hoard found in Norway which contained twenty of these Dinars, all fashioned into pendants identical to this one.
DA 2. Dug Battle Axe Amulet.
Cast in bronze, these amulets are found in several forms and are thought to possess magical and protective properties. Scholars associate them with the Cult of Perun and the Cult of St. Olaf. This example is in very good condition with an untouched patina and was found by a detectorist near Kyiv, Ukraine. 10th-11th Century AD. See this article for more information on these prized artifacts.
DA 3. Excavated Viking Woman’s “Tortoise” Brooch.
These were worn in pairs at the shoulders. This one is an example of the classic Scandinavian type done in the Borre’ style. A small chain was suspended in between that had various amulets and decorative pendants hanging from it. Cast bronze. Ibn Fadlan describes the Viking women wearing these in his Risala or description of his travels among the Kievan Rus. Provenance of Central Europe. Length approx. 3.5″.
DA 4. Rare excavated pair of Silver Visigothic Bow Fibulae from Spain.
This large (6.25″) matching pair are dated to the end of the 5th Century AD. and were most likely found long ago in a Visigothic Row Grave Cemetery on the Central Meseta. Constructed of solid sheet silver with gilt brass palmettes at the junctures. Iron pins on back rusted away. Two of the arrow shaped terminals on one of the fibulae are restorations. These were worn to close a woman’s cloak at the shoulders and were worn in conjunction with rectangular cloisonne’ Belt Buckle Plates with oval loops. Only women of very high status could afford this ornamentation. Ref. “Art of Medieval Spain”Metropolitan Museum of Art page 59 fig. 14.”The Visigoths, an Ethnographic Perspective” by Peter Heather page 413, fig. 11-1.
DA 5. Visigothic Belt Buckle Plaque ca. 7th Cent. AD.
Classic mid 7th Century style featuring stylized griffin design. Deep green patina. This buckle is a reflection of the Byzantine influence on art of the later Visigothic Kingdom. Connecting pin is a modern replacement. Provenance of Merida, Spain. Ref. “The Visigoths, an Ethnographic Perspective” by Peter Heather page 418, fig. 11-5.
DA 6. Ostrogothic Bow Fibula. 5th to 6th Cent. AD.
Nice example made of cast bronze. Radiate head type. Spring pin intact. Used to pin a woman’s cloak at the shoulders. Provenance of the Danube River Valley.
DA 7. Silver Viking Gripping Beast Pendant 10th Century AD.
Classic Scandinavian openwork pendant in Borre’ art style. Pendants identical to this example were found in the Vårby hoard in Sweden, a striking collection of gold and silver objects, hidden in a wood near the sailing route to Birka. The hoard contained objects from countries as far away as Central Asia, indicating that the original owners must have had an extensive network. This particular pendant was found by a detectorist in Poland and is guaranteed 100% authentic. See no. 304 (example to the right) and no. 27, p. 78, fig. 6 in E. Roesdahl and D.M. Wilson, From Viking to Crusader: The Scandinavians and Europe 800-1200.
DA 8. Dug Scandinavian Cross Pendant, 11th Century AD.
Flawless example of this simple interlaced Christian Cross amulet. Made of cast white bronze. Found in a Viking settlement in Central Europe. The Swedish Vikings in the east were professional warriors but also sophisticated traders. They quickly came under the influence of the Byzantine Church in Constantinople where many Viking warriors served the Emperor as his personal bodyguards.
DA 9. Dug Anglo Saxon “Horse Head” Brooch. 5th-6th Cent. AD.
A relic from the very first days when Saxons, Angles and Jutish Pirates overran the undefended Roman Province of Britannia. They drove the Romano Britons into a corner of the island that became Wales. This invasion came in waves and was accompanied with great slaughter and plundering. The Pagan Germanic tribes settled across the island and under the Christianizing influence of the Catholic Church developed a peace loving society with high levels of art and learning. In the year 786, there is an entry in the Anglo Saxon Chronicle that mentions three Longships coming ashore;
“Here Beorhtric [AD 786-802] took King Offa’s daughter Eadburh. And in his days there came for the first time 3 ships; and then the King’s Reeve (Sheriff) rode there and wanted to compel them to go to the king’s town, because he did not know what they were; and they slew him. Those were the first ships of the Danish men which sought out the land of the English race.” Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Winchester MS).
Here is the first contact of what would become two and a half centuries of savage Viking attacks and settlement ravaging the whole island. It seems that the blood shed in the Anglo Saxon Conquest came to fall upon their heads when they least expected it and in greater measure. This Pagan Anglo-Saxon Bronze Brooch is remarkable for it’s size, 5.5″ as well as the fantastic green patina and decoration. They were worn in pairs by women and pinned their cloaks at the shoulders. Found by a detectorist in Kent. No repairs or alterations.
DA 10. “Vikings” Reference Book by Tai Larsen.
This great book has been sold out by Amazon and is very hard to get. I have twenty copies that I got directly from the author who has hand signed them all. This book has great pictures of dug Swords, Axes, Amulets, Spears, Arrow Points, Horse Trappings, Belts and much more. Tai composed his own Scandinavian Saga influenced poetry to accompany the pictures. Paperback format and 104 richly illustrated pages. Great stuff and perfect for an introduction to these relics unlike the overwhelmingly exhaustive and academic works by Holger Arbman which cover the excavations at Birka in Sweden. I highly recommend his works if you can find them and want to take your interest further. Two other great introductory volumes I will recommend are “The Viking World” and “Viking Art” both by James Duncan Campbell.
$55.00 ea.
DA 11. Excavated Viking “Omega” or “Penannular” Brooch.
Made of bronze and featuring a poppy design. Great patina and no ground action. Pin intact. Used to fasten a Viking Warrior’s Cloak at the shoulder freeing up his sword hand. These are mentioned by Ibn Fadlan in his 10th Century description of the Kievan Rus. Read this amazing account HERE. Dug in Estonia on the Baltic. 8th to 11th Century AD.
DA 12. Excavated Silver Viking Axe/Thor Hammer Amulet.
Well documented in Viking hoards, burials and trade settlements. This hybrid Hammer/Axe type was worn around the neck attached to a larger silver neck ring or bracelet, often in conjunction with Christian Crosses and snake amulets. Thought to possess magical and protective properties. Scholars associate them with the Slavic Cult of Perun and the Scandinavian God Thor. This example is in very good condition with punch mark designs. Found in Central Europe. 10th-11th Century AD.
DA 13. Excavated Viking Age Cross Amulet.
Early bronze type with traces of yellow or cream colored enamel in recesses. Superb condition. Excavated at a Viking trade settlement in central Europe. 10th-11th Cent. AD. Christianity quickly took hold among the Swedes trading and raiding in the east due to the influence of Byzantine missionaries. The cross of Christ became the most powerful amulet with the greatest protective powers eclipsing the Hammer of Thor, the Axe of Perun and the Lunula of the Moon.
DA 14. Excavated “Barbed” Arrow Tip ca. 500-1000 AD.
This type of iron point was used by Germanic Tribes during the great European Migrations and into the Viking era. Condition is remarkable. Note socketed shaft. It would be quite unfortunate to be a victim of this cruel missile. 3″ in length. Provenance; Central Europe.
DA 15. Rare European Bronze Age Dagger or Short Sword ca. 2600-1200 BC.
This is an amazing ancient weapon. Note beautiful slick emerald green patina. Aesthetically impressive in it’s design and maintains a very sharp edge. Plowed up recently in an Eastern European farm field. Approx. 14″ in length.
DA 16. Excavated Viking Shield Boss or “Umbo” ca. 9th-12th Century AD.
Superb condition. Professionally cleaned and preserved. These iron bosses protected the hand and were centrally mounted on round wooden shields, covered with leather and painted with symbols and fantastic beasts. This fine example was found in a Viking trade settlement in Eastern Europe.
DA 17. Excavated Frankish Gilt Silver Radiate Brooch. 5th-6th Century AD.
The Franks were one of the fiercest of the Germanic Tribes that overran the Roman Empire. Their name was synonymous with their fighting axes or “Franciscas”. They settled into what is now France and West Germany. This gilt silver brooch with a beast head terminal, was originally part of a matching pair, worn to pin both shoulders of a woman’s cloak. Condition is remarkable with intact iron closure pin and detailed chip carved designs and stamped triangles along the edges. Verbal provenance of France (Frankia).
DA 18. Excavated Scandinavian Cross Amulet, 11th Century AD.
Rare Christian pendant with Nordic interlace design. Found in a Viking (Varangian) settlement in Eastern Europe.
DA 19. Exquisite Granulated Silver Lunula ca. 800-1000 AD.
This high status Slavic amulet was produced in a Polish or other Eastern European workshop. Condition is superb and can be worn today. Lunulas or “Lunitsa” were worn by girls and young women as a protection against the evil eye and demons. Also, for fertility and general female well being. These were worn on necklaces, sometimes with beads and multiple smaller Lunulas depending on the status of the wearer. These have also been found in Viking women’s graves, notably at Birka, in Sweden.
DA 20. Clay Spindle Whorl found in a Viking Settlement, 10th Century AD.
Large size and in great condition. These were employed to spin thread for garments and textiles. Scandinavian women took their skills with them and continued to produce clothing and useful items for their warriors and children. Eyeballed in a plowed field near Chernigiv Ukraine.
DA 21. Twisted Silver Finger Ring found in a Viking Settlement. 10th Century AD.
Flawless condition. These were status symbols and are found in Scandinavian sites from Ireland to Russia. This one comes from Poland.
DA 22. Excavated Silver Axe Amulet. 500-900 AD.
Pagan amulet of a type that is found from Germany to Ukraine. Possibly worn for protection in battle. Germanic and Slavic associations. This one came from Poland.
DA 23. Viking Stirrups and Bit from Pagan Cremation Burial ca. 850-1000 AD.
Fantastic condition. When wrought iron is burned it undergoes a process in which it becomes carbonized and resistant to oxidation. Swords and other iron weapons found in cremations can also have this process or “Gladeskall” offering them an enhanced state of preservation. Only a high status warrior would be able to afford a horse and all that entails. Horses were often slaughtered and cremated with their master for service in Valhalla. Provenance: Eastern Europe.
DA 23. Excavated Viking Warrior’s Battle Sword ca. 10th-11th Century AD.
Provenance of Northern Germany (possibly near the Viking trade emporium of Haithabu). Condition is very good and complete. A classic example of a Petersen Type V Sword. Note gold wire inlay on the cross guard. The pommel most surely had this same decoration, but is is obscured by oxidation. Viking swords in any condition are extremely rare and the vast majority being marketed online and at auctions are fakes or miss-identified. The blade retains its temper and sharp edge in spite of the pitting. When you handle the sword, the first thing that surprises you is how light and balanced it is. A true killing machine in the hands of an experienced warrior. Viking swords were given names such as “Leg Biter”, “Snake of the Byrnie”. Leech of Wounds”, “Flame of Battle” and “Hole Maker”. These swords were very well made with many of the blades being forged in the Frankish Rhineland and traded to the Norse. The Vikings thereafter would add their own decoration and hilts. This trade became painfully acute to the Frankish authorities who enacted measures to ban this commerce as raiding increased. Viking swords were highly prized, and were traded as far as Ireland, North Africa, Constantinople, Russia and even Baghdad. There is a wide variety of intricately crafted hilts and cross guards on these swords influenced by Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Slavic art forms. One can only imagine the scenes of carnage and chaos that were witnessed by this amazing weapon.
DA 24. Excavated Scandinavian Gilt Silver “Fenrir” Wolf Pendant ca. 9th-10th Cent. AD.
Classic example of this Viking pendant. Fashioned in the Scandinavian “Borre” art style. Excellent condition with traces of gold plating. Minor freeze crack on left hand side. Metal detector find from Poland. Authentic and rare. See page 27, figure abb. 3:19 of Greta Arwidsson’s reference book “Birka II:3 Systematische Analysen der Graberfunde” for an identical example found in Sweden. Here is a link to the Norse mythology surrounding this pendant
Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Scythian, Bronze Age, Etc.
ANT R 1. Rare Terra Cotta Roman Oil Lamp depicting a Gladiator.
This lamp is in flawless condition and features a detailed Roman Gladiator (a Secutor) in relief with a shield and raised Gladius. Acquired from a London antiquities auction and most likely found in England as well. 1st-2nd Cent. AD. Anything depicting a Gladiator is very scarce and desirable.
ANT R 2. Ancient Greek Oinochoe ca. 4-5th Cent. BC.
The Oinochoe was used as a pitcher for wine and other liquids. The style of the painting is known as ‘Red Figure” on a black background. It features a Greek mythological scene of a hero and a serpent. Most likely made in Apulia (Magna Graecia). These vessels were traded throughout the Greek colonies. Condition is remarkable with sharply detailed painting, expertly executed. When found it had some minor breaks that have been repaired, notably the handle and on the base. It is complete with no restoration. From a long time European private collection. Verbal provenance of Black Sea coast. Approx. 11″ tall. An exquisite and affordable piece of ancient art.
ANT R 3. Excavated Roman Silver Ring with the Goddess Minerva Intaglio. 2nd Century AD.
This is a massive man’s finger ring. Crafted from solid silver. The intaglio is either made of red glass or carnelian and features Minerva on a throne holding a spear or staff and a sheath of wheat or grain. Condition is superb and untouched. Provenance uncertain but from a very old English collection.
ANT R 5. Excavated Roman Soldier’s Finger Ring Inscribed “VTERE FELIX”, 2nd-3nd Century AD.
Large solid silver ring with ten sides. Each side has a Latin letter stamped into it reading “VTERE FELIX” which translates into “wear or use for luck”. Rings with this inscription are often excavated in military contexts. Most recently from excavations in Dacia (Romania). From an old time British collection.
ANT R 6. Ancient Roman Fascinus (Phallus) Pendant/Amulet, 1st-2nd Century AD.
In ancient Roman religion and magic, the fascinus or fascinum was the embodiment of the divine phallus. The word can refer to phallus effigies and amulets, and to the spells used to invoke his divine protection. Pliny calls it a medicus invidiae, a “doctor” or remedy for envy (invidia, a “looking upon”) or the evil eye. The English word “fascinate” ultimately derives from Latin fascinum and the related verb fascinare, “to use the power of the fascinus”, that is, “to practice magic” and hence “to enchant, bewitch”. Catullus uses the verb at the end of Carme 7, a hendecasyllabic poem . Phallic charms, were ubiquitous in Roman culture, appearing as objects of jewelry such as pendants and finger rings, relief carvings, lamps, and wind chimes (tintinnabula). Fascinus was thought particularly to ward off evil from children, mainly boys, and from conquering generals. The protective function of the phallus is usually related to the virile and regenerative powers of an erect phallus. Varro notes the custom of hanging a phallic charm on a baby’s neck, and examples have been found of phallus-bearing rings too small to be worn except by children. A 2017 experimental archaeology project suggested that some types of phallic pendant were designed to remain pointing outwards, in the direction of travel of the wearer, in order to face towards any potential danger or bad luck and nullify it before it could affect the wearer. The pendant offered here is made of cast bronze was probably found by a metal detectorist in England.
ANT R 9. Ancient Roman Ornamental Bronze Head of Silenus ca. 1st-2nd Cent. AD.
In Roman times, Silenus was the fat, bald, bearded and drunken follower of the God Dionysius. This excavated bronze mount is highly detailed and was possibly a decoration on a furniture piece. Approx. 2″ with a deep green patina. Acquired from a British antiquities collection. Here is a great article from Wikipedia on Silenus
ANT R 10. Excavated Roman Gorgon Mount or “Phalera”, 1st-2nd Cent. AD.
Superb condition, made of cast bronze with sharp details. The winged Gorgon was a popular theme in classical mythology and civilization. Often used in a military context to instill fear or freeze your enemy. These bronze discs were mounted on Roman body armor and shields. Provenance: Metal detector find from England.
ANT R 11. Excavated Roman Glass Bangle. 1st-3rd Century AD.
Large woman’s bangle made of cream and green colored glass. There are two breaks that have been repaired. Most likely a grave find. Provenance uncertain.
ANT R 12. Ancient Roman Bronze Bangle/Bracelet, ca. 1st Century AD.
This woman’s bangle is in excellent condition and decorated with circle punch stampings on all sides. Beautiful green patina. From an English antiquities collection and probably found in England.
ANT R 15. Ancient Cimmerian Iron Spear Point, 7th Century BC.
The Cimmerians were related to the Scythians and were later displaced by them. Also nomadic steppe dwellers, they were the bane of the Assyrian Empire. This spear point is in great condition and very long, approx. 20″. Found in Ukraine.
ANT R 16. Excavated Roman Knife with Lioness Head Handle. 1st-2nd Century AD.
Remarkable condition with intact iron blade and cast bronze handle. Knives like this would have had many uses and been carried by average Romans. Comes from a private British gentleman’s antiquities collection.
ANT R 17. Ancient Greek Signet Ring with Pan Playing his Flute, ca. 2nd-3rd Cent. BC.
High quality excavated bronze ring with a sharply detailed inset of the Greek God Pan playing his flute. Pan is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, rustic music and impromptus, and companion of the nymphs.[3] He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a faun or satyr. With his homeland in rustic Arcadia, he is also recognized as the god of fields, groves, wooded glens and often affiliated with sex; because of this, Pan is connected to fertility and the season of spring.[4]In Roman religion and myth, Pan’s counterpart was Faunus, a nature god who was the father of Bona Dea, sometimes identified as Fauna; he was also closely associated with Sylvanus, due to their similar relationships with woodlands. No doubt a metal detector find. Provenance of Southern Europe.
ANT R 18. Excavated Roman Glass Bracelet, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD.
High quality woman’s accessory fashioned from red and black glass with a twist pattern. Heavy construction. No repairs or damage at all. Provenance: London auction house.
no images were found
Native American and Pre Columbian Antiquities
All artifacts on this page were found on private property with land owner’s permission prior to 1979.
NA 1. Dug Pre-Columbian Warrior Effigy Jar ca. 300-700 AD.
Fierce Central American Warrior with breastplate, ear spools and headdress. Excellent condition with brown glaze. Small chips on interior, Feet broken. No repairs or restoration. Provenance of Panama. All of our Native American artifacts come with COA’s and are compliant with the ARPA law of 1979.
NA 2. Large Mississippian Culture “Discoidal” or Game Stone. Ca. 800-1500 AD.
An amazing and quite massive example. Deeply hollowed out on both sides. Extremely well made and highly polished. The stone is very hard and granite like. These discs were made to play a series of games. One documented game was called “Chunky” where players would roll the stone and then cast spears at it once it rested. The closest spear was the winner. Discoidals this large and well fabricated are very rare. It measures 4″ in diameter and 2 5/8″ thick. Verbal provenance of Tennessee. Ex. Tom Davis, Ex. Dan White Collection. Comes with a Tom Davis Certification.
$1650.00 HOLD J.P.
ANT. NA 3. Three Native American Baskets ca. 1890-1920.
I am not a basket expert but they do have age on them.
NA 4. Dug Anasazi “Tularosa Tradition” Duck Effigy Pitcher ca. 1200-1325 AD.
High quality example with no repairs or restoration. The Tularosa style features geometric patterns of various intensity on a white to light gray background. Slight chipping on rim. Representative of the more highly developed Puebloan art forms. Provenance of the “Four Corners” region of the American Southwest. Measures 5.5″ in length. All of our Native American artifacts come with COA’s and are compliant with the ARPA law of 1979.
NA 5. Excavated Mayan Tripod Vessel ca. 300-900 AD.
Slick polychrome cylindrical vessel with classic Mayan hieroglyphic pattern incised on upper section. Minor crack repair on rim and minor damage to one of the bulbous feet. A fine example of Mayan art from the Classical Period. 7.5″ in height x 6″ in diameter. Provenance of Mexico’s Yucatan Penninsula. All of our Native American artifacts come with COA’s and are compliant with the ARPA law of 1979.
NA 6. Dug Central American Polychrome Storage Vessel ca. 300-700 AD.
Nicely painted with an orange, red and black color scheme and geometric pattern. A high quality Pre-Columbian pot with slick glaze. Probably produced by the Gran Cocle’ Culture. Note holes for hanging. No repairs, issues or restoration. Provenance of Panama. All of our Native American artifacts come with COA’s and are compliant with the ARPA law of 1979. Read this article for detailed information on the Panamanian Pre-Columbian art and culture: https:
no images were found
NA 7. Excavated Mississippian Period Seed Jar ca. 800-1500 AD.
Highly decorated with rows of punctilated dots and even triangular projections along the rim. Nearly flawless. There is what appears to be a small patched area on side that might have been probe damage. Measures 3.5″ in diameter. 2.5″ in Height. Found way back in 1958 by Garland Manuel in Feller’s Valley. Washington County VA.
NA 8. Mississippian Culture “Chunky” Stone ca. 800-1500 AD.
Found many years ago by Ray McMahan near Proctor Creek GA. while metal detecting in the early 1990’s. These stones were highly prized and passed down for generations to use in the ritual game called “Chunky”. The Mississippian culture was sophisticated, making finely crafted pottery and building massive temple mounds. Made of a very hard black stone with no damage or issues. Measures 3.5″ in diameter.
NA 9. Pre-Columbian Bridge Jar ca. 300-800 AD.
Red glazed compound storage vessel in flawless condition. Incised geometric designs. 5.5″ in height x 10.5″ in length. Provenance of Panama. All of our Native American artifacts come with COA’s and are compliant with the ARPA law of 1979.
NA 10. Excavated Gran Cocle’ Culture Monkey Effigy Bowl. Ca. 400-800 AD.
Excellent condition with no repairs or restoration. Slick glazed surface with multi colored paint. Effigy appears to be a monkey. Provenance of Panama. Measures 6.5″ in diameter x 2″ in height. All of our Native American artifacts come with COA’s and are compliant with the ARPA law of 1979.
NA 11. Excavated Pre-Columbian Human Effigy Jar. Ca. 300-800 AD.
Very high quality piece with superb painting and composition. No repairs or issues. Provenance of Central America, most likely Gran Cocle’ Culture. 6″ in height. All of our Native American artifacts come with COA’s and are compliant with the ARPA law of 1979.
NA 12. Excavated Cocle’ Painted Vessel. Ca. 400-800 AD.
These ceramics are prized for their brightly painted compositions and slick glaze. Provenance of Gran Cocle’ Region of Panama. Measures 2.5″ in diameter x 4.25″ in height. For a detailed analysis of the Cocle Culture, please read this article:
NA 13. Excavated Chupicuaro Polychrome Tripod Bowl ca. 500 BC-300 AD.
Finely painted vessel with geometric designs and a highly burnished finish. Minor crack repair on one side. This culture predated the Teotihuacan phase in Western Mexico. Here is a link to a Wikipedia article describing these people and their art in detail:
no images were found
NS 14. Excavated Mississippian Period Pot ca. 800-1500 AD.
Very interesting vessel with swirl patterns and decorated rim. Minor restoration along rim and one area of the side where diggers probe broke through. Measures 3.75″ in diameter and 3″ tall. Found way back in 1960 by Garland Manuel in Bridge Hollow. Washington County VA.
NA 15. Pre Columbian Nicoya Polychrome Ceramic Figurine ca. 800-1200 AD.
Very high quality piece with no repairs or restoration. This culture flourished in Costa Rica and are known for their fine ceramic work.
no images were found
NA 16. Excavated Mississippian Period Polychrome Effigy Pot ca. 800-1500 AD.
No repairs or restoration whatsoever. Red paint mostly intact with some loss on inside of bowl. Note fierce effigy head. This vessel appears to be from the Caddo culture of Mississippi and Arkansas. Measures 7.25 at widest point and 5″ in height with effigy head. Bowl is 2.75″.
$1250.00 HOLD R.E.