Army of Tennesee Civil War Relics Authentic
Army of Tennesee Civil War Relics Authentic
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Updated 2-16-25

WP 1. Exceptional 1858 Dated M-1855 Harper’s Ferry Brass Mounted Rifle .58 Cal. 

The M-1855 Rifles and Rifle Muskets are best known for their implementation of the Maynard tape priming system. The Harper’s Ferry brass mounted rifle is rare. Very few of these guns survived, most being burned by the Federals on April 18, 1861. They set fire to the armory to prevent its capture by advancing Confederate Forces. A few were found in good condition and distributed to the Confederate Army. Most saw very hard use. The condition of this example is superb. Metal surfaces are smooth with traces of original factory finish here and there, but mostly turning to a plum colored patina. Lock functions crisply and is clearly marked “U.S.”/ HARPER’S FERRY” and “1858”. Long range sight is present and original with some factory finish. Matching 1858 barrel date, and Eagle Head/VP Proof observed on the breech. Bore is clean with well defined rifling. Saber bayonet lug present. Spare nipple in the patchbox along with a “Figure 8” sharpshooter’s sight (reproduction). Both brass barrel bands are original with sling loops present. Original ramrod present, full length, and threaded at the tip. Fine looking stock has good edges with very minor service wear and dings. The flat opposite the lock does not appear to have been cartouched, which may indicate possible Confederate service. No repairs, chatter, cracks, or missing wood. It should be easy to find a Harper’s Ferry saber bayonet to fit this fine rifle.


MS 1. Six Foot Tall War Log from the Chickamauga GA. Battlefield.

This remarkable relic was taken from the Sept. 19-20 1863 Chickamauga GA. Battlefield by veterans during the 1889-1900 Reunion Era. Probably once displayed in a UCV, or GAR Hall. There are ten visible artillery shell fragments embedded on all sides including, Read-Parrott, 12 Pounder Spherical, and a 12 Pounder Confederate “Polygonal” fragment. There are also three Canister Balls embedded in the log. It is possible that there are other projectiles inside, but it would have to be comprehensively X-Rayed. This oak tree was quite resilient to be hit this many times and to have survived. Anyone stamding near this tree would have surely been in mortal danger. You can see how the tree healed around the wounded areas. This process took over twenty years. I believe the best way to display this amazing relic is to mount it on a “Lazy Susan” type of base that rotates, or simply stand it in the corner of your private Civil War museum. It has been a long time since a Civil War Battlefied War Log of this quality has been offered for sale. Shop or show pick-up only.


WP 2. Outstanding Confederate Navy Revolver Produced By Spiller & Burr .36 Cal.

Classic brass framed Confederate revolver originally produced in Atlanta GA. Matching serial # 486 present on all parts including the cylinder. The top of the barrel has a clear “SPILLER & BURR” barrel address which is only seen on 17 of all surviving examples. Condition is exceptional for Confederate revolvers. Trigger and cylinder rotation mechanics are sound. Metal surfaces are smooth throughout and the brass frame exhibits a deep, mellow patina. Both original walnut grips are in great condition and are numbered “486” in pencil on the inside. There is a multi-page, in-depth report on this revolver done by John Sexton which accompanies it. According to his research, this revolver had failed in the field and was sent back to the factory, which by that time had moved to Macon GA. Here it received a new cylinder, stamped “486” and a loading lever from another revolver, also stamped “486”.  This work was done by the factory during the conflict and every single part is original and untouched since then. 


MS 1. Civil War Period Surgeon’s Bone Saw.

The main tool for performing amputations. Condition is excellent with some wear present on the bone handle. Sturdily constructed with notable decoration. A grisly relic.


 WP 3. US M-1858 Starr Army Revolver .44 Cal.

Here we have a nice Double-action Starr Army Revolver with all matching early production serial # 13986, and copious amounts of blue factory finish. Trigger and cylinder rotation works properly. Original walnut grips in great condition, both bearing strong US Military Inspector Cartouches. Bore is clean with well defined rifling. A classic American Civil War revolver with condition.


WP 4. Identified Confederate D-Guard Bowie Knife.

This fine D-Guard was expertly wrought from a file, and has a bone handle. Blade has a dark, untouched patina. It was carried in the war by Pvt. Pleasant Thomas Morrisson of the 3rd Tennessee Vol. Infantry Regt. Knife was acquired direcly from the family in North Georgia. I have yet to look up Morrisson’s record, so may leave that up to the buyer. Measures 16″ overall, blade is 12″.



WP  2. US M-1840 Light Artillery Saber by Ames Dated 1864.

A solid representative example of this iconic American Civil War weapon. Original leather grip and brass wire wrap is intact. Blade is semi-bright with minor nicks and a slightly rounded tip. Ricasso is marked with the “AMES MFG. CO./CHICOPEE MASS.” address (partially legible). Other side is clearly marked “U.S./C.E.W./1864”. Original steel scabbard is also in good condition with omly a few minor pushes. 


MS 2. Dug Confederate Soldier’s Mess Kit.

This group of utensils, including a fork, knife, and tin plate was found by Mike Furmage in a Confederate camp located on the approach to Gettysburg. Very good condition and treated for preservation.


SSBTN 1. State of Texas Light Artillery Coat Button.

TX 11, 20 mm. Rare button with an untouched patina. “SCOVILLS.WATERBURY” bm.

$2995.00 HOLD 

SSBTN 2. State of North Carolina Militia Coat Button. Captain Luis F. Emilio Collection.

NC 8, 23 mm. Fine looking button with lot of original gold plating. “S.A. MYERS/RICHMOND VA.” bm. This button was picked up during (or shortly after) the war by Captain Luis F. Emilio, Co. E, 54th Mass. Vol. Infantry Regt. He was one of the white officer’s leading this famous African-American regiment. He served gallantly at Battery Wagner and also led troops at the Battle of Olustee Fl. After the war, Emilo authored the book “Brave Black Regiment” (published in 1891). Emilio was an avid button collector and published a landmark book on collecting military buttons in 1911. This button, no doubt, is featured in his early guide. See Emilio’s biography here:


SSBTN 3. State of North Carolina Staff Officer’s Coat Button. Captain Luis F. Emilio Collection.

NC 3, 23 mm. This button has the most sharply detailed die strike of the NC Staff variants. Slathered in blazing gold wash. “VAN WART.SON & CO” bm. Collected during (or shortly after) the war by Captain Luis F. Emilio, Co. E, 54th Mass. Vol. Infantry Regt. He was one of the white officer’s leading this famous African-American regiment. He served gallantly at Battery Wagner and also led troops at the Battle of Olustee Fl. After the war, Emilo authored the book “Brave Black Regiment” (published in 1891). Emilio was an avid button collector and published a landmark book on collecting military buttons in 1911. This button, no doubt, is featured in his early guide. See Emilio’s biography here:

$995.00 HOLD C.D.

SSBTN 4. State of North Carolina Militia Coat Button. Captain Luis F. Emilio Collection.

NC 8, 23 mm. Confederate produced button with no issues. Note remnants of gold plating and copper back. “W. WILDT & SON/RICHMOND VA.” bm. This button was collected during (or shortly after) the war by Captain Luis F. Emilio, Co. E, 54th Mass. Vol. Infantry Regt. He was one of the white officer’s leading this famous African-American regiment. He served gallantly at Battery Wagner and also led troops at the Battle of Olustee Fl. After the war, Emilo authored the book “Brave Black Regiment” (published in 1891). Emilio was an avid button collector and published a landmark book on collecting military buttons in 1911. This button, no doubt, is featured in his early guide. See Emilio’s biography here:


SSBTN 5. State of North Carolina Militia Coat Button.

NC 8, 23 mm. Classic Confederate made button. Copper back with long shank. Very weak, and basically illegible “W. WILDT & SON/RICHMOND VA.” bm. 


SSBTN 6. State of Virginia Militia Coat Button.

Classic VA 13, 23 mm. This attractive button has service wear and bears the desirable “CANFIELD BRO. & CO./BALTIMOR” bm.


SSBTN 7. Maryland Militia Staff Officer’s Coat Button.

MD 11, 23 mm. No issues and great details. Desirable “CANFIELD BRO. & CO./BALTIMORE” bm. As a Border State, Maryland provided thousands of troops to the Confederacy.


WP 3. US M-1842 Dragoon Pistol .54 Cal. H. ASTON Contract. Dated 1850.

High quality horseman’s pistol. Metal surfaces are smooth and cleaned to factory bright. Matching 1850 date on lock and barrel. Lock is mechanically sharp. Barrrel proofs are clear. Bore clean and smooth. Original swivel type ramrod is present and functional. Stock is very nice with nary a blemish. Note two US Military Inspector’s Cartouches opposite the lock.

$1250.00 HOLD D.B.

WP 4. Dug Confederate Richmond Arsenal Rifle Musket .58 Cal. 

I believe that this weapon was shortened, or could it be a Richmond Rifle? Almost complete with original parts including low-hump Richmond lock, brass butt plate and nose cap. Ramrod is correct length. Provenance of Fredericksburg VA. Components are loose. Would be a fantastic display if mounted on a board.

$995.00 Reduced!

WP 3. Kenansville NC Armory Confederate Enlisted Man’s Cavalry Saber and Scabbard.

One of the most recognizable and iconic of all Confederate sabers. Condition is very good but leaning to the more salty attic category. Leather grip is worn away to the wood but single strand brass wire remains. Brass guard bears Roman numeral “IIII” as does the throat. Blade has spots of mild oxidation, no deep pitting. Lap seamed scabbard is original to the saber and has a consistent layer of light rust. No dents at all. Note correct brass mounts and throat. I really like the untouched nature of this weapon. Grime and all. 

$3650.00 Reduced!

MS 3. Dug Civil War Dutch Oven or “Spider”.

Found in a Civil War troops camp near Fredericksburg VA. in 1973. Fantastic state of preservation due to being coated in grease before being buried. Handle is marked “12 IN”. I have found many pieces of these cooking vessels in camps but never a complete one. 

$350.00 HOLD Jersey John

MS 4. Dug Civil War Soldier’s Finger Ring.

Found many years ago by Charles Darden in a trash pit. Ring is made of bone with silver insets of a star and two hearts (one missing). Exact provenance forthcoming (Either Cold Harbor or Petersburg). This unique and personal relic must have a story to tell. Probably not a good one.


MS 5. Dug Blob of Melted Confederate Gardner Bullets.

Found by Ron Wolford near Hagerstown MD. Cool relic.


 MS 6. Dug Eagle Head Pommel from a US Mounted Officer’s Saddle.

Non-excavated with a deep bronze patina.


MS 7. US False Embroidered Artillery Hat Insignia.

Authentic Civil War period insignia fashioned from stamped brass. Highly detailed and covered in bright gold plating. Straight attachment pins are intact and correct for this type. See figure 270 in O’Donnell and Campbell’s Military Headgear Insignia reference book for corroboration.


MS 8. US Pattern of 1855 Engineer’s Hat Insignia.

Classic American Civil War Engineer insignia. Stamped brass. One of the attachment loops is broken. This is the standard size. Measures: 2″x 1.25″.


 MS 9. US Cased Surgeon’s Bleeder Marked “WIEGAND SNOWDEN./PHILADELPHIA”.

Small brass bleeder in its original leatherette case. Steel blade has a broken tip. 


 MS 10. US Officer’s Shoulder Board Insignia.

Gilt stamped brass frame with most attachment pins intact. Non-excavated. These frames originally housed a fabric insert that would bear the color of the officer’s branch of service. Yellow for Cavalry, Red for Artillery, and Blue for Infantry.


 MS 11. “Slim Jim” Holster for a Colt Navy Revolver.

Fine example with supple leather and no issues. String belt loop and solid stitching. A great companion for your Colt Navy Revolver .36 Cal.


MS 12. US False Embroidered Cavalryman’s Hat Insignia.

Authentic American Civil War Cavalry insignia with sharp details and bright gold plating. Straight attachment pins are correct for this variant.


 USBP 1. Scarce “Medium” US Belt Buckle on its Original Accoutrement Belt.

Rarely encountered for sale. This fine belt rig is untouched. Buckle has a great patina and the correct stud hooks.


MS 13. Dug Mouthpiece from a Large Brass Musician’s Horn.

Interesting Civil War relic lost by a member of a regimental band. It is about the size of a modern Tuba mouthpiece. Found many years ago by Bill Farmer on the Beauregard Plantation. Brandy Station VA.


MS 14. Dug Leech and Rigdon Confederate Cavalry Officer’s Spur.

Fragmentary condition. Found in West VA.


MS 15. Dug US Cavalryman’s Stirrup.

Typical Civil War iron stirrup found long ago by the late Bill Farmer on the Beauregard Plantation. Brandy Station VA.


MS 16. Dug US Cavalryman’s Bridle Bit Rosette.

Good condition. Found on the Brandy Station VA. Battlefield by Bill Farmer.


CSBP 2. South Carolina Militia Breast Plate.

Early cross-belt plate with palmetto tree motif and silver plating. Superb condition. It is the opinion of my friend George Juno that this plate was produced slightly after the Civil War due to the attachment pin configuration. Nonetheless, it is rare and was produced in very limited numbers.


MS 17. Dug Pewter Horse Head.

Unusual but really cool relic. Possibly part of a toy. Found on the Beauregard Plantation by Bill Farmer. Brandy Station VA.


MS 18. Dug US M-1859 Cavalryman’s Spur. Brandy Station VA. Battlefield.

Very good condition. Found many years ago on the Beauregard Plantation by Bill Farmer.

$65.00 HOLD T.K.

CSBP 3. Dug Confederate Belt Buckle Fragments.

These parts appear to come from three different buckles.


MS 19. Dug 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment Veterans Reunion Badge.

Impressive relic lost by a veteran of the hard fought 8th Ohio Inf. Regt. It is dated “1898” and has the dates “Nov. 10-20”. Found many years ago on the Brandy Station VA. Battlefield by Bill Farmer.


 USBTN 1. Scarce US Ordnance Corps Uniform Coat Button.

22 mm. High quality button with sharp details, but has obvious service wear. “U.S. ORDNANCE CORPS” bm. 


USBTN 2. US Artillery Coat Button.

22 mm. Outstanding and unusual button with hand chased details and gold plating. “D. EVANS & CO. ATTLEBORO MASS.” bm.


USBTN 3. US Artillery Overcoat Button.

23 mm. Good representative example of the US Civil War Artillery Button. “SCOVILL MFG. CO. WATERBURY” bm.


USBTN 4. US Artillery Overcoat Button.

Circa 1860. Likely produced by Steele & Johnson. 23 mm. Good representative example of the US Civil War Artillery Button. “FINE GOLD PLATE” bm.


USBTN 5. US Artillery Overcoat Button.

Circa 1860. 23 mm. Outstanding US Civil War Artillery Button. “THOMAS N. DALE/NEW YORK” bm.


USBTN 6. War of 1812 US Artillery Regiment Coat Button.

AY 60 (Alberts). 22 mm. Fantastic early one-piece US  Artillery Button with super sharp strike and bright gold plating. “ROBINSON’S, JONES & CO./ATTLEBORO/EXTRA RICH” bm.


USBTN 7. 1830’s US Artillery Coat Button.

20 mm. High convex one-piece button with sharp details. Blank back.


USBTN 8. 1840-1850 US Artillery Coat Button.

19 mm. Early two-piece button with unusual “WBH & CO./SUPERIOR QUALITY” rmdc. Untouched patina.


USBTN 9. 1840’s US Artillery Coat Button.

20 mm. Early two-piece button with “YOUNG, SMITH & CO.” bm. Nice details with gold plating.


NSBTN 1. 1810-1825 New York State Militia Coat Button.

NY 11 (Alberts) 23 mm. Early one-piece button with “TREBLE GILT/STANDd. COLOUR” bm. Good looking button with gold plating.

$65.00 HOLD A.W.

USBTN 10. US Navy Enlisted Man’s Great Coat Button.

35 mm. Classic American Civil War Navy button with “NOVELTY RUBBER CO./GOODYEAR’S PATENT/1851/NEW YORK.” bm.


USBTN 11. US Cavalryman’s Overcoat Button.

CV 1, 23 mm. Classic Civil War Cavalry button in excellent condition. Sharply detailed with gold plating. “SCOVILL MFG. CO./WATERBURY” bm.


USBTN 12. Dug US Cavalryman’s Coat Button.

CV 1 V, 20 mm. Good example with traces of gold plating. “GODDARD & BRO./EXTRA” bm. Provenance uncertain.


USBTN 13. US Infantry Overcoat Button.

Circa 1860. 23 mm. Outstanding US Civil War Infantry Button. “THOMAS N. DALE/NEW YORK” bm.


CSBTN 1. Confederate Army Staff Officer’s Coat Button.

CS 1, 26 mm. Impressive Confederate Officer’s button. Top grade. No issues whatsoever. Retains 98% gold wash. “S. ISAACS & CAMPBELL & Co. St. JAMES St. LONDON” bm.


CSBTN 2. Confederate Artilleryman’s Coat Button.

CS 101 A, 25 mm. High quality example. Note light service wear. “H.T.&B. MANCHESTER” bm.


CSBTN 3. Confederate Army Staff Officer’s Cuff Button.

CS 5 Av, 16 mm. Very scarce in cuff size. Flawless example. “EXTRA RICH” bm.


CSBTN 4. Confederate General Service Coat Button.

CS 81, 23 mm. Great looking button with a deep untouched patina. Very light push to face. Less common “S. BUCKLEY/BIRMINGHAM” bm.


ART 1. Dug Confederate 3″ Brooke Shell. Sulphur Creek Trestle, Al.

Rare shell fired from General Nathan Bedford Forrest’s horse artillery. Brass Rachet sabot was found near the shell with the bolt. Sabot fragment also found nearby. 


ART 2. Dug US 3.67″ Schenkl Percussion Fused Shell for the Rifled Six Pounder Gun.

Remarkable condition with removeable fuse. This is the mid-war variant with raised ribs. Provenance uncertain. 



ART 3. Confederate 6 Pounder Solid Shot. Stones River TN. Battlefield.

 This projectile was picked up by a Murfreesboro TN. family shortly after the battle. Note crude casting.



ART 4. Dug US 3″ Type I Parrott Shell with Schenkl Percussion Fuse.

Very good condition with intact wrought iron sabot. Provenance uncertain. 


ART 5. Exploded Half of a US/CS 6 Pounder Bormann Fused Shell.

Impressive artillery relic from the Shiloh TN. Battlefield. Would make a great ash tray or candy dish. 


ART 6. Dug US 5.1″ Dahlgren Blind Shell.

Very rare large caliber Dahlgren Shell with clean iron and intact brass nose cap. Lead cup sabot sheared off when fired. This shell is similar to the James variants in that it displays better with the ribs at the base exposed. Provenance uncertain. See page  of Jack Bell’s reference book “Civil War Heavy Explosive Ordnance” for more information on this exotic projectile.


ART 7. Exploded Tail Fragment from a US 3″ Schenkl Case Shot. Antietam Battlefield.

Professionally cleaned and treated for preservation. Shrapnel balls exposed packed in pitch matrix.


ART 8. CS/US 3″ Read-Parrott Shell Fragment from the John P. Geiselman Collection. Gettysburg PA. Battlefield.

Documented fragment from exploded shell. Geiselman’s catalog # 32 present on the side.


ART 9. Dug Revolutionary War 4 Pounder Shot.

The Four Pounder was the most common field artillery caliber. Projectile is in good condition with moderate pitting. Found by Ron Wolford. Provenance uncertain.


ART 10. Dug US Schenkl Percussion Fuse.

Dropped fuse found by Bill Farmer at a US artillery position on the Brandy Station VA. Battlefield. Schenkl patent address would be more legible with some cleaning.


BLT 1. Dug CS “Arkansas Hog” Bullet .69 Cal.

M&M #608. Scarce trans-Mississippi bullet in good dropped condition. Found in Arkansas. Ex. Ron Wolford collection. 


BLT 2. Dug CS “Cosmopolitan” Type II Bullet .54 Cal.

Unlisted in M&M. This crude Trans-Mississippi copy of the Richmond Arsenal Gardner bullet was made for use in the Austrian Lorenz and Mississippi Rifles. Excellent dropped condition.


BLT 3. Dug Raleigh NC Arsenal “Carcano” Bullet .69 Cal.

M&M #199. Strange looking bullet with raised rings. Always found in the context of North Carolina troops. This variant comes in three calibers, .54, .58, and .69 Cal. The .58 is the scarcest.


BLT 4. Dug Raleigh NC Arsenal “Wilkinson Pattern” Bullet .50 Cal.

M&M #105. Perfect dug condition. Scarce in this caliber which was produced for cavalry carbines.


BLT 5. Dug Confederate Enfield Pattern Bullet with “Spoked Wheel” Cavity .61 Cal.

M&M #239. This crude bullet was probably produced by the Confederacy. They are mostly found in the Richmond VA. area of operations.


BLT 6. Dug Charleston SC Arsenal “High Base” Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M #416. This bullet has the typical truncated cone cavity. Produced in Charleston SC and found in both theaters of war.


BLT 7. Dug Confederate Lemat Revolver Bullet .42 Cal.

M&M #634. Scarce bullet. This variant was actually produced by the Richmond Laboratory for the imported Lemat revolvers. McKee and Mason incorrectly attribute this bullet to the Butterfield Revolver.

$195.00 HOLD L.C.

BLT 8. Dug Confederate “Teat Cavity” Rifle Bullet .69 Cal.

M&M #321. These scarce bullets are mostly found in Northern VA. Used in rifled and sighted .69 Cal muskets. Excellent condition.


BLT 9. Dug US M-1860 Savage Navy Revolver Bullet .36 Cal.

M&M #125. Distinct bullet for the unique Savage Navy revolver.


BLT 10. Dug US “Rifled Musketoon” Bullet .69 Cal.

M&M #292. Great dropped example. Provenance uncertain.


BLT 11. Dug Confederate Colt Revolving Rifle/Carbine Bullet .44 Cal.

M&M #81. This one ring bullet was produced by the Richmond Laboratory in three calibers. Great dropped example. Provenance uncertain.


BLT 12. Dug CS/US Sharps Slanting Breech Carbine Bullet .44 Cal.

M&M #51. Rare bullet in great dropped condition.


BLT 13. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

Unlisted CS Three ring bullet with pronounced casting teat. Ex. Ron Wolford collection.


BLT 14. Dug US Gomez & Mills Patent Sharps Slanting Breech Carbine Bullet .46 Cal.

M&M #193. Distinct multi-ring pattern produced in three calibers. Very good dropped condition.


BLT 15. Dug CS Richmond Labs Navy Revolver Bullet .36 Cal.

M&M #97. “Taj Mahal” profile bullet in fine dropped condition. Found along the Petersburg retreat route.


BLT 16. Dug CS “Double-Ended .36 Cal. Revolver or Pistol Bullet.

M&M #166. Unusual bullet found in both Western and Eastern Theater Confederate sites.


BLT 17. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .64 Cal.

Unlisted in M&M. Very rare tapering Enfield type variant with thick uneven skirt and sharply tapering profile. Measures .925″ x .613″. For Hall Rifle or English Musketoon. Ex. Ron Wolford collection.


BLT 18. Dug CS .84 Gauge Tranter/Adams/Kerr “Dust Bin” Revolver Bullet.

M&M #518. Scarce bullet with spike to attach woolen washer. Produced by Eley of London and imported through the blockade.


BLT 19. Dug .84 Gauge CS Tranter/Adams/Kerr Revolver Bullet.

Unlisted Tie-Ring Revolver Bullet with long pointed profile. Ex. Ron Wolford collection.


CSBTN AS 1. Confederate Army Staff Officer’s Coat Button.

CS 7, 23 mm. Great looking non-dug example with gold plating. “W.DOWLER/SUPERIOR QUALITY” bm. Back slightly off-set when manufactured. This button came off of a Texas officer’s frock coat according to Bill Henderson of the Picket Post in Fredericksburg from where it was originally purchased.


CSBTN A 1.  Confederate Artillery Coat Button. 

CS 101 (Alberts) 25 mm. Bright gold beauty with no issues. One of the desirable, large size “HT&B MANCHESTER” marked button series. These were imported from England through the Federal blockade.


CSBTN NA 1.  Confederate Navy Cuff Button. 

CS 55 (Alberts) 16 mm. Good example with desirable “COURTNEY & TENNENT bm. Priced to move!


SSBTN 1. Dug North Carolina Militia Coat Button.

NC 16 C, 23 mm. This is the less common of the three variations. Morever, it is loaded with silver plating, no ground action and has an intact shank. Top notch all the way around.  


SSBTN 2. North Carolina Militia Coat Button with “S.A. MYERS/RICHMOND VA.” bm.

NC 18, 23 mm. Confederate made button. Nice looking non-excavated example with better detail than most. No issues whatsoever.  


SSBTN 3. South Carolina Militia Coat Button with “SCOVILL MFG. CO. WATERBURY.” bm.

SC 13, 23 mm. Pre-war button with sharp details and no issues. Ex. Walter Lineberger collection.  


SSBTN 4. South Carolina Militia Coat Button.

SC 13, 23 mm. Nice Civil War example with black channel back. No issues. Ex. Walter Lineberger collection.  


SSBTN 5. Dug South Carolina Militia Coat Button “HORSTMANN & ALLIEN N.Y.” bm. With Rays.

SC 14, 23 mm. Good looking button with gold plating. Shank missing. Found near Charleston SC. Ex. Walter Lineberger collection.  


SSBTN 6. Dug South Carolina Militia Coat Button “YOUNG. SMITH & CO./NEW. YORK” bm. 

SC 8, 23 mm. Less common variant with gold plating. Shank intact. Light push. Found near Charleston SC. Ex. Walter Lineberger collection.  


SSBTN 7. Dug Mississippi Militia Infantry Coat Button “HYDE & GOODRICH/N.O.” bm.

MP 4, 21 mm. Nice looking button in very good condition. Chocolate browm patina with gold. Shank intact. Found near Fredericksburg VA.


SSBTN 8. Dug Mississippi Militia Infantry Cuff Button “HYDE & GOODRICH/N.O.” bm.

MP 4, 16 mm. Chocolate browm patina with gold. Shank intact. No issues. Found near Fredericksburg VA.

$350.00 HOLD D.G.

SSBTN 9. Dug Virginia Militia Coat Button “SCOVILL MFG. CO./WATERBURY” rmdc.

VA 7, 23 mm. Big high convex Virginia with nice details and a lot of gold plating. No repairs, pushes or issues. Found near Brandy Station VA.


SSBTN 10. Dug Virginia Militia Coat Button “HORSTMANN & ALLIEN” bm. With Rays.

VA 16, 23 mm. Smooth chocolate patina with traces of gold plating. No repairs, pushes or issues. Found by Bob Scates. Northern VA. Wilderness/Chancellorsville area.





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