Army of Tennesee Civil War Relics Authentic
Army of Tennesee Civil War Relics Authentic
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Civil War Bullets Vol. I

We have a huge inventory of bullets. We have duplicates of almost all that are marked “Sold” in as good, if not better condition than the ones pictured.


Dimmick Target Rifle Bullets

These odd bullets were used by Birge’s Sharpshooters (66th Illinois Vol. Infantry Regt.). This unit was armed with these hand crafted rifles in various calibers very early in the war. Each gun was issued with it’s matching mold. The molds were numbered to the guns. The last known find site of these bullets is Kingston GA. which is where the 66th were issued .44 Cal. Henry Repeating Rifles.


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DMK 1. Dimmick Rifle Bullet .40 Cal.

Nice dropped example dug by Brant Arnold near Corinth MS.




Three Ring Rifle Bullets, Federal and Confederate up to .72 Cal.


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BLT 1. US Springfield Arsenal Bullet .58 Cal. with “US” Base Mark. 

Superb example. Dug somewhere in Northern VA.


BLT 2. Dug U.S. Rifle Bullet with swaged in cavity .58 Cal.

M&M # 343. Excellent dropped example with a 6 point swage mark n the cavity. These were pressed and turned by machine. I have dug this type of bullet in the position of the 16th US Regular Infantry. Spotsylvania, VA.


BLT 3. Dug U.S. Rifle Bullet with swaged in cavity .58 Cal.

M&M # 345. Excellent dropped example with a 6 point swage mark n the cavity. These were pressed and turned by machine. I have dug this type of bullet in the position of the 16th US Regular Infantry. Dug near Spotsylvania, VA.


BLT 4. Dug C.S. Selma Arsenal Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

M&M # 350. Great looking dropped example that was dug near Fort Blakely, AL. by Bryan Clark.


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BLT 5. CS Selma Arsenal Bullet .54 Cal.

Flawless dropped example.


BLT 6. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .58 Cal.

M&M # 365. Scarce nose cast variant associated with the Army of Tennessee. Dug near Tullahoma, TN.


BLT 7. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

M&M # 367. Charleston Arsenal Bullet with characteristic high base. Nice dropped example. Dug at Resaca Ga.


BLT 8. Dug “Salvaged Lead” Confederate Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

M&M # 371. This type is associated with Lee’s Army of Northern VA. Nice dropped example with a slick patina. Dug near Strasburg, VA.


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BLT 9. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

M&M # 375. Rare Confederate Bullet with squared off grooves. This is the very bullet photographed on page 207 (fig.340) of Dean Thomas’ new bullet reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol.4. Dug in a Confederate Infantry position. Gettysburg, PA. Battlefield (private property).

$45.00 HOLD

BLT 10. Confederate Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

M&M # 376. This bullet appears to have been produced by the same arsenal that made the M&M 421. Characteristics are a thick skirt and fine pointed profile. Measures 1.062″ x .570″. Western Theater.


BLT 11. Excavated “Cap Nose” U.S. Rifle Bullet .58 Cal.

M&M # 383. This late war bullet is in perfect condition and was dug at Spanish Fort, AL.


BLT 12. Excavated U.S. Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

M&M # 387. Note two flat rings on bottom. Unusual variant. Dug near Savannah, TN.


BLT 14. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

M&M # 397. Scarce Stepped Cavity Bullet. Dug near Winchester VA.


BLT 15. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .58 Cal.

M&M # 398. Scarce Western Theater variant with thick skirt. This early war bullet may have been produced in Nashville, TN. Dug in a Confederate staging area before the battle of Shiloh by Brant Arnold.


BLT 16. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

M&M # 399. Late war Army of Tennessee bullet in perfect dropped condition. Dug on the Nashville, TN. Battlefield by Mark Swann.


BLT 17. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

M&M # 402. Crude nose cast bullet in perfect dropped condition. Dug by Brant Arnold along the Shiloh retreat route near Michie, TN.


BLT 18. Dug Confederate “Fayetteville Arsenal” Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

M&M # 403. Typically crude nose cast Confederate 3 ring variant with deep plug cavity. Provenance unknown.


BLT 19. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M # 416. Crude Charleston Arsenal product with high base. Nice dropped example. Provenance uncertain.


BLT 20. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M # 419. Distinct variant with wide shallow rings. This bullet is almost exclusively associated with the Army of Northern VA. This one was dug on the Second Manassas Battlefield.


BLT 21. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M # 421. This bullet appears to have been made by the same arsenal that produced the M&M 376. Characteristics are a thick skirt and fine pointed profile. Measures 1.031″ x .512″. North Georgia.


BLT 22. Excavated Confederate Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M # 424. Scarce little bullet. Dug near Shiloh, TN.


BLT 23. Excavated Confederate Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M # 426. Similar to above but with thick skirt. Dug near Shiloh, TN.


BLT 24. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M # 427. This rounded cavity variant measures .526″ x .866″. Provenance unknown.


BLT 25. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M # 428. This small variant measures .523″ x .1.008″. Excellent dropped condition. Dug near Shiloh, TN.


BLT 26. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M # 429. This small variant measures .531″ x .918″. Dug in a Confederate staging area prior to the 1863 Battle of Chickamauga, GA.


BLT 27. Confederate “Plug Base” Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M # 435. Scarce bullet that was made with a wooden plug in the base. Some have been excavated with plug intact. Excellent dropped condition. Dug near Beech Grove, TN. by Kenny Banks.


BLT 28. Dug Confederate “Sharpshooter” Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M # 453. A Confederate Rifle bullet found in both major theaters but primarily in the east. Excellent example.


BLT 29. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M # 453. Crude bullet with low and tight rings. This is the shorter variant. Dug N. Virginia.


BLT 30. Dug U.S. Rifle Bullet .58 Cal.

M&M # 471. This finely formed variant sports a high base, thin skirt and high V-shaped rings. Dug near Chickamauga, GA.



BLT 31. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M # 582. High quality 3 ring variant for the Austrian Lorenz or Mississippi Rifle. Flawless condition. Dug near Winchester, VA.


BLT 32. Confederate “Plug Base with Dot” Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

Unlisted variant. Note raised dot in base. Dug near Tullahoma, TN. in one of Gen. Bragg’s 1863 Winter Camps.


BLT 33. Excavated Confederate Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

M&M # 580. Very good condition. Dug in a CS Camp near Bean’s Station, TN. by Marcus Osborne. This rounded nose variant is quite scarce. Some have been found at Bull’s Gap as well.

$38.00 HOLD

BLT 34. Excavated Confederate Rifle Bullet .58 Cal.

M&M # 585. Superb dropped condition with a nice patina. Note blob top from nose casting. Dug near Shiloh, TN.


BLT 35. Excavated U.S. Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

M&M # 591. Nice looking bullet. Shorter pattern with pointed profile. Dug near Chickamauga, GA.


BLT 36. Excavated US/Confederate Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

M&M # 593. Distinct pattern with deep grooves. McKee and Mason calls it a “Sardinian” pattern. Provenance unknown.


BLT 37. Confederate “Three Ring Suhl” .54 Cal.

M&M # 597. Scarce bullet in perfect dropped condition. They don’t get any nicer than this. Provenance uncertain.


BLT 38. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

Not listed in M&M but is shown on page 199 (fig.246) of Dean Thomas’ excellent book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol. 4.  Rare bullet with distinct capped nose. Superb dropped condition. Dug near Shiloh, TN.


BLT 39. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

Not listed in M&M but is shown on page 200 (fig.254) of Dean Thomas’ excellent book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol. 4. Interesting bullet with distinct wide rings and nose casting. Dug near Shiloh, TN.

$25.00 HOLD

BLT 40. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

Not listed in any known reference book. This crude variant is very distinct with low tiny rings. Measures .565″ x .885″.Dug near Shiloh, TN. in a Louisiana Troops camp. Very rare type.


BLT 41. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

Not listed in any known reference book. Note crude plug cavity with a hole in the middle. Probably related to the production process. This bullet is found in mid to late war Army of Northern VA. sites. Measures .579″ x .997″.Dug near Strasburg, VA.


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BLT 42. Dug US Experimental Four-Piece Shaler Bullet.

Extremely rare bullet. Excellent condition. All four pieces found together. Culpeper Co. VA. See page 210, Fig. 277 of Dean Thomas’ reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Part One for a photographed example as well as detailed information on the Shaler sectional bullet designs and patents. Ex. Ron Wolford collection.



 Large Caliber 3 Ring Bullet Variants .69 to .75 Cal.


LC 1. Confederate  “Foreign Mold”  Rifle Bullet .73 Cal.

M&M # 343. One of the better example that was found with many others in a well near Savannah, GA. I actually had a mold that was brought into the Marietta Show that cast this exact type of bullet. The mold had Tower Armory Markings, so it can truly be called a “Foreign Mold” Bullet.

$45.00 HOLD


LC 2. Dug Confederate “Belgian” Rifle Bullet .69 Cal.

M&M # 565. Blob top variant. This is the very bullet photographed on page 559 (fig.559) of Dean Thomas’ new bullet reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol.4. Dug N. Virginia.


LC 3. Dug Confederate “Belgian” Rifle Bullet .69 Cal.

M&M # 318. A more carefully cast variant with tight grooves. Provenance uncertain.


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LC 4. Dug Confederate “Belgian” Rifle Bullet .69 Cal.

M&M # 570. This nose cast type is scarce but found in both Western and Eastern theatres. Crude but perfect with a shiny patina. Dug near Cedar Mtn. VA.


LC 5. Dug Confederate “Teat Base” Rifle Bullet .69 Cal.

M&M # 324. This type is only dug in Northern Virginia, particularly in the upper Shenandoah Valley area. Note teat in cavity.


LC 6. US/CS “Austrian”Rifle Bullet .71 Cal.

M&M # 314. This massive bullet is in perfect condition and was excavated at the site of a sunken Confederate Supply Barge in the James River. The McKee and Mason book claims Federal manufacture but I am not so sure.


LC 7. US/CS “Austrian” Rifle Bullet .71 Cal.

M&M # 315. Massive bullet. Slightly different profile and cavity distinguish this pattern from M&M #314. Excavated at the site of a sunken Confederate Supply Barge in the James River.


LC 8. Confederate Rifle Bullet .69 Cal.

M&M # 325. This crude variant has poorly formed rings and an extremely deep cone cavity.


LC 9. Confederate Rifle Bullet .69 Cal.

M&M # 331. Scarce side cast variant in excellent dropped condition. Dug in Gen. Hardee’s 1863 Winter Camp near Tullahoma, TN. by Kenny Banks.


LC 10. Confederate Rifle Bullet .69 Cal.

M&M # 332. Excellent dropped condition. Dug near Spotsylvania Court House, VA.


LC 11. US/CS Rifle Bullet .69 Cal.

M&M # 566. Excellent dropped condition. Dug near Tullahoma, TN. Note thick skirt and ring variation. Measures .683″ x 1.123″.


LC 11. Dug US/CS Rifle Bullet .69 Cal.

Unlisted in McKee and Mason. This tall round nosed variant measures 1.120″ x .676″. Provenance uncertain. Scarce type.

$25.00 HOLD

LC 12. Dug Confederate Rifle Bullet .69 Cal.

Unlisted in McKee and Mason. A very tall and rare variant made for use in rifled and sighted M-1816 Conversion Muskets, M-1842’s and a host of foreign rifles. The deep accentuated skirt rings are similar to the Mangeot Pattern. Dug in a CS Infantry Camp near Corinth, MS.


LC 13. Dug Confederate “French Dragoon” rifle bullet .69 Cal.

M&M # 265. Confederate produced bullet based upon a French pattern with a triangular cavity. Found near Port Hudson LA. by Ronnie McCallum.



 Enfield-Pritchett Variants

EN 1. Dropped Confederate .577 Cal. Enfield Bullets with “.57” Base Stamp.

Clear base markings, good dropped condition. 

$15.00 ea.

EN 2. Dropped Confederate .577 Cal. Enfield Bullets with “L” Base Stamp.

Clear base markings, good dropped condition. I have several of these, including some that came from wreck of the “Modern Greece” blockade runner many years ago. Some also have the boxwood plugs.

$25.00 ea.

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EN 3. Rare Confederate .577 Cal Enfield Bullet with “S” Mark in Cavity.

One of the rarest of the Enfield Arsenal marks. These cavity markings are found on bullets run through the Federal Blockade from England. 


EN 4. Dug Enfield “P” Marked Rifle Bullet .577 Cal.

This pattern was manufactured in England and imported through the Federal Blockade by the Confederacy. The plug type cavity is stamped “P” and is quite rare. Condition is very good. Dug near Fredericksburg, VA.


EN 5. Dug CS Enfield “Spoked Wheel” Pattern Rifle Bullet .58 Cal.

Distinct bullet with a spoked wheel or star pattern cast in the truncated cone cavity. Dug near Richmond, VA.


EN 6. Dug Confederate Enfield/Pritchett Bullet with “L” Cavity .577 Cal.

M&M # 228. British pattern imported through the Federal blockade. Flawless with a super slick patina and unusual flat nose.


EN 7. Dug Confederate Enfield/Pritchett Bullet with “L2” Cavity .577 Cal.

M&M # 228. British pattern imported through the Federal blockade. Flawless with a super slick patina.


EN 8. Army of Tennessee Enfield Variant .54 Cal.

Unlisted in M&M. Late war type possibly produced by the Selma Arsenal. Dug on the Nashville, TN. Battlefield by Mark Swann. Measures 1.21″ tall.


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EN 9. Army of Tennessee Enfield Variant .577 Cal.

M&M # 230. These distinct bullets are pointed and have a shallow base. Measures .567″ x 1.133″. Dug near Shiloh, TN. by Ray Treece.


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EN 10. Army of Tennessee Enfield Variant .61 Cal.

M&M # 235. Scarce type and massive. Condition is excellent. Provenance uncertain. 


EN 13. Excavated CS Enfield Rifle Variant .58 Cal.

M&M # 246. This shorter pattern has a shallow plug base and measures .572″ x .947″.


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EN 14. Excavated Marshall Texas Arsenal Enfield .577 Cal.

M&M # 247. Flawless dropped example. Dug by Bob Shelton at the site of the Marshall, Texas Powder Mill and Arsenal.


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EN 15. Excavated Marshall Texas Arsenal Enfield .54 Cal.

M&M # 247. Flawless dropped example. This one has character. Dug by Bob Shelton at the site of the Marshall, Texas Powder Mill and Arsenal.



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EN 16. Dug CS Army of Tennessee Enfield Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

Not listed in M&M. This particular bullet is very distinct with a thick skirt and round nose. Associated with Gen. Forrest’s Cavalry and the Army of Tennessee. Flawless dropped example. Dug near Shiloh TN. by Ray Treece.

$28.00 HOLD


EN 17. Dug CS Army of Mississippi Enfield Pattern Carbine or Rifle Bullet .52 Cal.

Not listed in M&M. This rare early war variant is pictured on page 197 (fig.230) of Dean Thomas’ new reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol. 4. Note thin skirt. Measures .521″ x .787″. Dug by Brant Arnold near Shiloh, TN.


EN 18. Dug CS Army of Mississippi Enfield Pattern Rifle Bullet .45 Cal.

Not listed in M&M. Extremely rare bullet possibly used in a Tennessee Rifle which was a common sight in the early war Confederate Army. Measures .452″ x .752″. Dug near Shiloh, TN. Ex. Bill Ewing Collection.


EN 19. Dug CS Army of Mississippi Enfield Pattern Rifle Bullet .54 Cal.

Not listed in M&M. Early war Confederate variant for the Austrian and Mississippi Rifles. Measures .530″ x .984″. Dug near Shiloh, TN.


EN 20. Dug CS Enfield Pattern Rifle Bullet .60 Cal.

Not listed in M&M. Rare large caliber with a flat nose. Measures .598″ x 1.077″. Found near Tullahoma, TN. in Hardee’s 1863 Winter Camp.

$35.00 HOLD

EN 21. Dug “Solid Base Enfield” .54 Cal.

Not listed in M&M, but is illustrated on page 132, Fig, 439 of Dean Thomas’ reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol. 4. Also known as a “Greene Rifle” bullet. Note rounded nose. Good dropped condition. Measures .999″ x .535″. Really scarce bullet. Provenance of N. Virginia. 



Carbine Bullets and their variants



CB 1. U.S. “Cosmopolitan” Carbine Bullet .50 Cal.

M&M # 7. Excellent dropped condition. I can’t remember where it was dug.


CB 2. U.S. Starr Carbine Bullet .50 Cal.

M&M # 53. Excellent dropped condition. Dug near Eastport MS.


CB 3. Dug Confederate Merrill Carbine Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M # 67. Excellent dropped condition. Dug near Bolivar Heights, Harper’s Ferry, VA.


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CB 4. Dug Sharp’s and Hankins Cavalry Carbine Bullet, Early Model .54 Cal.

M&M # 71. Rare bullet in very good dropped condition. Provenance unknown.


CB 5. Dug U.S. Early Model Sharp’s and Hankins Carbine Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M #515. Good dropped condition. Dug near Fredericksburg, VA.


CB 6. Dug U.S. Sharps and Hankins style Rifle or Carbine Bullet .58 Cal.

Unlisted in M&M. Rare and unusual large caliber pattern designed for a brass rimfire cartridge. Provenance uncertain.


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CB 7. Dug US Johnston & Dow Patent Starr Cavalry Carbine Bullet .54 Cal.

Unlisted in M&M but shown and discussed on page 257 (Fig. 588) of Dean Thomas’ reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire Vol. 2. Scarce bullet described as the Johnston & Dow waterproof and combustible cartridge for the Starr Carbine. Flawless dropped condition. Provenance of Dinwiddie Co. VA.

$45.00 HOLD LK


CB 8. Dug US/CS Maynard Carbine Bullet .50 Cal.

M&M # 75. Perfect dropped bullet from Shiloh, TN. area.


CB 9. Dug Confederate Maynard Carbine Bullet .37 Cal.

M&M # 84. For use in the First Model Maynard Carbine. Most of these carbines ended up in the hands of Confederate forces. Provenance uncertain.


 CB 10. Dug Colt Revolving Rifle or Carbine Bullet .50 Cal.

M&M #118. Very good dropped condition. Dug near Winchester, VA.


CB 11. Dug U.S. Burnside Carbine Bullet .54 Cal

M&M #119. Good dropped condition. Dug near Strawberry Plains, TN.


 CB 12. Dug U.S. Ballard Carbine Bullet .44 Cal.

M&M #134. Very good dropped condition. Dug near Memphis, TN.


CB 13. US or CS Merrill Carbine Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M # 138. Good dropped condition. Note air bubbles in casting. Dug near Memphis, TN.


CB 14. U.S. Lindner Carbine Bullet .577 Cal.

M&M # 143. Good dropped condition. Dug N. Virginia.


CB 15. Dug U.S. Gallagher Carbine Bullet .50 Cal.

M&M # 442.  Very good dropped condition. Dug near Fredericksburg, VA.


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CB 16. Dug Confederate Cavalry Carbine Bullet .54 Cal.

Unlisted in M&M but shown on page 197 (Fig. 229) of Dean Thomas’ reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire Vol. 4. Also shown on page 34 of Tom Stelma’s reference book “Some Civil War Bullets” Vol. 2. Rare CS bullet in flawless dropped condition. Provenance uncertain. Ex. Dan Wingate collection.

$175.00 HOLD LK

 CB 17. Dug Richmond Labs Sharps Carbine Bullet .54 Cal.

M&M #464. Flawless dropped condition. Provenance unknown.


 CB 18. Dug U.S. Joslyn Carbine Bullet .52 Cal.

M&M #470. Very nice dropped bullet. Dug near Shiloh, TN.


CB 19. Dug Confederate Rifle or Carbine Bullet .577 Cal.

M&M # 656. Rare Confederate bullet associated with North Carolina troops. Incorrectly referred to as a “Gywnn and Campbell” in McKee and Mason. Find sites are primarily Fort Fisher, NC. and Fredericksburg VA. area. Excellent dropped condition. Measures .739″x.576″.


CB 20. Dug U.S. Smith Cavalry Carbine Variant .48 Cal.

Unlisted in M&M. Are you ready for something really rare? This variant is illustrated on page 246, # 574 in Dean Thomas’ reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Part two. Extremely rare .48 Cal. Tall Rubber Cased Smith Carbine Bullet dug in one of Gen. Phillip Sheridan’s 1864 Cavalry Camps near Cedar Creek, VA.


CB 21. Dug Confederate Carbine Bullet .54 Cal.

Unlisted in M&M. Measures .536″ X .828″ with a solid base. Similar bullet shown on page 17 of Tom Stelma’s Bullet Reference Book. This rare bullet is flawless and was dug on the Overall Gorge VA. Battlefield.


CB 22. Dug US Greene Rifle/Cavalry Carbine Bullet .54 Cal.

Not listed in M&M, but is illustrated on page 132, Fig, 439 of Dean Thomas’ reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol. 4. Also known as a “solid base Enfield”. Note rounded nose. Good dropped condition. Measures .999″ x .535″. Really scarce bullet. Provenance of N. Virginia. 


CB 23. Dug Confederate Rifle or Carbine Bullet .52 Cal.

Very rare, unlisted early war variant. Two widely spaced rings and conical cavity. Measures .978″ x .513″. Good dropped condition. Found near the Fort Donelson TN. Battlefield. Ex. Joe Hayworth, ex. Dan Wingate collection.


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CB 24. Dug “French Sharps” Rifle/Carbine Bullet .54 Cal.

Scarce French made bullet shown on page 52 (Fig. 02-090) of Tom Stelma’s Reference book “Some Civil War Bullets Vol.2.”. Excellent dropped condition. It appears that these bullets did not see use beyond the State of Texas. Provenance of Dyer’s Island, TX. Ex. Dan Wingate collection.

$55.00 HOLD LK



Federal and Confederate Revolver and Pistol Variants


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RV 1. U.S. Starr Army Revolver Bullet .44 Cal.

M&M # 54. A scarce bullet in excellent condition.


RV 2. U.S. Colt Revolving Carbine Bullet .44 Cal.

M&M #80. This tall pattern in perfect dropped condition and was used the .44 Cal. Colt Revolving Rifle.


RV 3. Dug Confederate Army Revolver Bullet .44 Cal.

M&M # 89. Scarce bullet. Produced by the Confederacy for use in the Colt and Remington Army Revolvers. Provenance uncertain.


RV 4. Dug 84 Gauge Tranter Revolver Bullet.

M&M # 91. Scarce bullet used predominately by the Confederacy for their English imported Tranter Revolvers. This bullet is of the same type photographed on page 177 (fig.69) of Dean Thomas’ new bullet reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol.4. Provenance of Winchester,VA. area.


RV 5. Dug 54 Gauge Tranter Revolver Bullet.

M&M # 92. Scarce bullet used predominately by the Confederacy for their English imported Tranter Revolvers. This bullet is of the same type photographed on page 178 (fig.74) of Dean Thomas’ new bullet reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol.4. Provenance of Shenandoah Valley,VA.


RV 6. Dug .41 Cal. Derringer Bullet.

M&M # 94 (pg. 87)  Scarce bullet for the Moore Derringer. This bullet is of the same type photographed on page 78 (fig.44) of Dean Thomas’ new bullet reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol. 1. Provenance uncertain.


RV 7. Dug Richmond Labs Navy Revolver Bullet .36 Cal.

M&M # 97. Scarce Confederate produced bullet for the Colt Navy Revolver and its’ Confederate produced copies. This “2nd Pattern” type is shown on page 172 (fig.12) of Dean Thomas’ new bullet reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol.4. Dug N. Virginia.


RV 8. U.S. St. Louis Arsenal Navy Revolver Bullet .36 Cal.

M&M # 99. Commonly dug in Western Theater sites. Excellent dropped condition. Corinth, MS.


RV 9. Dug U.S. Leet and Hall Pattern Army Revolver Bullet .44 Cal.

M&M # 123. One of the less encountered revolver variants. Flawless. Provenance unknown.

$20.00 SOLD

RV 10. Dug 54 Gauge Kerr Revolver Bullet (Hayes patent by Eley).

M&M # 124. Scarce bullet used predominately by the Confederacy for their English imported Kerr Revolvers. This is the same type bullet photographed on page 177 (fig.65) of Dean Thomas’ new bullet reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol.4.

$25.00 SOLD

RV 11.  Excavated U.S. Savage Navy Revolver Bullet .36 Cal.

M&M # 125. This bullet was designed for the Savage Navy Revolvers. Flawless dropped condition. Dug near Winchester, VA.

$15.00 SOLD

RV 12.  Excavated U.S. Savage Navy Revolver Bullet .36 Cal.

M&M # 126. This bullet was designed for the Savage Navy Revolvers. Good dropped condition. Dug near Tullahoma, TN.

$10.00 SOLD

RV 13. Dug 84 Gauge Kerr Revolver Bullet “Tall Pattern”.

M&M # 128. Scarce bullet used predominately by the Confederacy for their English imported Kerr Revolvers. This is the very bullet photographed on page 176 (fig.52) of Dean Thomas’ new bullet reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol.4.


RV 14. Dug 84 Gauge Kerr Revolver Bullet “Short Pattern”.

M&M # 129. Scarce bullet used predominately by the Confederacy for their English imported Kerr Revolvers. This is the very bullet photographed on page 176 (fig.49) of Dean Thomas’ new bullet reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol.4.


RV 15. Dug Confederate Kerr Revolver Bullet 54 gauge.

M&M # 134. Flawless condition. Note shallow rings. Dug near Shiloh, TN.


RV 16. Dug New Haven Arms “Volcanic Self Contained” Revolver Bullet .41 Cal.

M&M# 141 (page 89). Excellent dropped condition. Intact cork and brass base. Made for the New Haven Arms Volcanic Revolver.


RV 17. Dug New Haven Arms “Volcanic Self Contained” Revolver Bullet .31 Cal.

M&M# 145 (page 89). Good dropped condition. Intact cork and brass base.


RV 18. Dug Confederate Single Shot Pistol bullet .32 Cal.

M&M # 166. Unusual double ended pistol bullet. Strictly found in Confederate camps. Nice dropped example.


RV 19. Excavated U.S. “Volcanic” Revolver Bullet .31 Cal.

M&M # 152. Perfect dropped condition. Dug near Winchester, VA.


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RV 20. Dug Confederate Revolver or Pistol Bullet .36 Cal.

Scarce Confederate projectile. Larry Hawkins recovered a cache of these small, pointed bullets along the approach to Shiloh. Measures .726″ x .353″. They are cast slightly out of round and that may be why they were discarded. Listed in Tom Stelma’s bullet book. 


RV 21. Dug U.S. Lindsay Two Shot Pistol Bullet .38 Cal.

M&M # 164. Rare pistol bullet in perfect condition. Dug near Nashville, TN.


RV 22. Dug U.S. “Bartholow” Bullet for Colt Revolving Rifle or Army Revolver .44 Cal.

M&M # 479. Nice clean bullet in perfect condition. Can’t remember where dug.


RV 23. Dug Richmond Labs Navy Revolver Bullet .36 Cal.

M&M # 497. Scarce Confederate produced bullet for the Colt Navy Revolver and its’ Confederate produced copies. This “3rd Pattern” type is shown on page 172 (fig.14) of Dean Thomas’ new bullet reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol.4. Dug near Colonial Heights, VA.


RV 26. Dug 120 Gauge Deane and Adams Revolver Bullet.

M&M # 517. Scarce bullet used predominately by the Confederacy for their English Deane and Adams Revolvers. This bullet is of the same type photographed on page 175 (fig.39) of Dean Thomas’ new bullet reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol.4. Provenance uncertain.


RV 27. Dug Richmond Arsenal LeMat Revolver Bullet .40 Cal.

M&M # 634. Rare Confederate produced bullet for the iconic LeMat Revolver. This is the very bullet photographed on page 179 (fig.79) of Dean Thomas’ new bullet reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol.4.


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RV 28. Dug LeMat Revolver Bullet .40 Cal.

M&M # 658. Rare Confederate produced bullet for the iconic LeMat Revolver. This is the same type bullet photographed on page 179 (fig.82) of Dean Thomas’ new bullet reference book “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol.4. Dug along Lee’s retreat route from Petersburg in Amelia County VA. by Arthur Lehman.


RV 30. Dug Confederate Navy Revolver Bullet .36 Cal.

Not listed in any reference book. Provenance uncertain.


RV 31. Dug CS/US Pepperbox Pistol Bullet.31 Cal.

Very rare unlisted variant measures .614″x .307″. Excellent dropped condition. Ex. Dan Wingate collection.


RV 32. Dug US/CS Army Revolver Bullet .44 Cal.

Unlisted in M&M. Flawless condition. Listed in “Round Ball to Rimfire” Vol. 3. Page 141 (fig. 107). Dug near Shiloh, TN.


RV 34. Dug Confederate Revolver Bullet .42 Cal.

Unlisted in McKee and Mason. Rare pointed type possibly for the Lemat or other foreign revolver. Dug near Corinth, MS. Ex. Bill Ewing Collection.


RV 35. Dug U.S. Starr Navy Revolver Bullet .36 Cal.

Scarce bullet not listed in M&M. Measures .374″ in diameter and .605″ tall. Dug near Shiloh, TN.


RV 36. Dug Confederate Navy Revolver Bullet .36 Cal.

Rare three ring variant not listed in M&M. Measures .353″ in diameter and .715″ tall. Dug in a Mississippi Troops camp near Corinth, MS. by Larry Hawkins.


RV 37. Dug Confederate Navy Revolver Bullet .36 Cal.

One ring variant not listed in M&M. Measures .365″ in diameter and .545″ tall. Dug near Shiloh, TN.


RV 38. Dug Confederate Navy Revolver Bullet .36 Cal.

Extremely crude two ring variant not listed in M&M. Measures .365″ in diameter and .567″ tall. Dug near Winchester, VA.


RV 39. Dug 9 mm. Pinfire Bullet.

Not listed in McKee and Mason. Flawless condition.



RV 41. Excavated 54 Gauge Kerr Revolver Bullet.

Perfect dropped condition. Dug near Richmond, VA. The Kerr Revolvers were imported from England through the US Naval Blockade and were very popular with the Confederate Armed Forces.

$95.00 SOLD

RV 42.  Excavated “C.D. Leet” style Revolver Bullet .36 Cal.

Scarce bullet not listed in M&M but shown on page 103 of Tom Stelma’s Bullet Book (fig. 05-011) Dug near Shiloh, TN. Measures .355″ x .650″


RV 43.  Excavated U.S. Colt Root Revolver Bullet .28 Cal.

Scarce bullet not listed in M&M but shown on page 106 of Tom Stelma’s Bullet Book (fig. 05-023) This bullet was designed for the Colt Root Revolver. Perfect dropped condition. Dug near Tullahoma, TN.



RV 44.  Excavated CS “Hanovarian Pattern Revolver Bullet .28 Cal.

Scarce bullet not listed in M&M but shown on page 255 of Dean Thomas’ Book “Round Ball to Rimfire” (fig.642). Most likely used in the Colt Root Revolver. Flawless dropped condition. Dug near Shiloh, TN.













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